Penerapan Permainan Tradisional Congklak Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Operasi Hitung Bilangan Cacah dengan Model Kooperatif Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD)
congkak traditional games, learning mathematics, arithmetic operations, whole numbersAbstract
The traditional game of congklak is a game that can be played by two people alternately. The game of congklak can also be used in mathematics lessons such as teaching students the knowledge of counting while learning. In ancient times, congklak was played using coral shells which are also called congklak seeds which have 16 holes. This research aims to integrate the congklak game in helping students understand the arithmetic operations through the congklak game. This research method uses the Library method, namely through journals, and previous research. This research can be concluded that the traditional congklak game can help students in learning mathematics to get to know the concept of arithmetic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.